LIFE postponed for a year

Lagos –  Out of an abundance of caution, Balmoral Group and the Temple Company have regretfully postponed the Lagos Independence Festival of Excellence (LIFE) scheduled for October 1 through to October 2, 2022 due to security concerns.

The decision has been made based on the advice of security agents with the safety of our audiences, artists, crew and venue staff in mind and, with planning already at a very advanced stage, it was not a decision taken lightly.

“The safety and security of the community is our top priority and at the forefront of all decisions made during this rapidly evolving situation,” said Ezekiel Adamu, CEO of the Balmoral Group and co-founder of LIFE. 

“It is difficult to accept that this unprecedented event cannot hold this year because there are conflicting political events which cannot guarantee our access to the number of personnel required to secure such a large event.”

All tickets will be valid for the rescheduled festival which is set to take place October 1, 2023. However all vendors and partners who have made deposits/payments will be refunded in full.

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